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Bubble Tea

Bubble Tea

next 2025/02 ― I could not decide whether I should have a hot or a cold Pearl Milk Bubble Tea at the Chun Shui Tang restaurant in Taichung, Taiwan. So, I ordered one of each. Why not? After all, this is the very restaurant that invented these innovative tapioca-based drinks. Both drinks were delicious!

Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse

next 2024/04 ― On March 8, 2024, Raymond went to the Civic Center in Cornwall to experience the total eclipse of the sun. Fortunately, it was the moon and not the clouds that blocked the sun.

Star Gazing

Star Gazing

next 2023/06 ― Venus and Mars came very close to each other in the moonless night sky. Being an inner planet, when visible at night, Venus is always at the horizon, never wandering too far from the hidden Sun. Through the telescope, Venus’ crescent shape glowed brightly, betraying the Sun by revealing its location. On […]