next 2020/10 – Rake the leaves. Disconnect the garden hose. Slap on winter tires. Such are the outdoor chores that come with the fall. None are done, yet I rest. If there is one thing I have learned over the years is not to stress. There is evidence that the Chinese have understood this concept […]
The Second Wave of COVID-19
next 2020/09 – Raymond braces himself for the second wave of COVID-19. Here he is in front of a closed business. These pandemic times afford few reasons to smile — not that one would need to, when being photographed while wearing a mask. Even the stylish mannequins of this clothes business wear masks.
Flower Power
next 2020/08 – Travel has been greatly reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. This patch of sunflowers is on the Experimental Farm, just 2 blocks from Raymond’s house. He respects social distancing protocols, but these sunflowers clearly do not.
Air Conditioning Issues
next 2020/07 – Last year, my air conditioner stopped working. The huge propeller in the big metal box outside the house became jammed when carpenter ants built a giant nest. This year, the air conditioning stopped working once again. Could the carpenter ants be at it once again? An inspection around the propeller showed no […]
Time for a Hair Cut
next 2020/06 – All hair salons have been closed for months due to COVID-19. However, Raymond’s hair never stopped growing. The time came for Raymond to take measures in his own hands. Scissors. Check. Bowl. Check. Snip! Snip! Snip! Voilà! The home-made haircut looks like hell but who is going to see him during a […]
Is Raymond … DEAD !!! ???
next 2020/04 – It sure looks like he has been decomposing for a while. Granted, he may be old but he is not dead yet! Look! he’s smiling. He just applied some rejuvenating Dead Sea mud, that he purchased when he was in Jordan, … and if you still don’t believe it, here is another […]
Chinese Characters
next 2020/03 – Ray is self-isolating because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, he has plenty of time to revisit old hobbies and develop some new ones. For instance, he started reviewing his Chinese characters and he is brushing up on his Chinese calligraphy.
Ray gets African Charges
next 2020/02 – When Ray went to Africa, he did get a few charges on his credit card. That was expected. However, he was also charged by a rhinoceros and an elephant during safaris. Fortunately, these animals stopped abruptly in the middle of their charges. Could that credit card just be bluffing too?
next 2020/01 – Raymond drew some coins in a software called InkScape and printed them on acrylic using a laser printer. Ray printed a cent, a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a 1954 dollar and a 1935 dollar. Nobody will be fooled by these counterfeited pieces though; you can see right through these coins.
Fourteen Course Meal
next 2019/12 – Ray and Mayra went to the restaurant Atelier. They ate an exquisite 14 course meal. They were eating relatively quickly and the server was always ready with the next dish. Still, it took two and a half hours to go through all those courses.