next 2021/07 – Retirement is a situation where you don’t work but you still get lots of free money. I’m all in! What took me so long? Now that I’m retired, I will only do fun things and I vow never to work again. Thank you, Jacques, for this hat to help me celebrate the […]
Number One
next 2021/06 – Jeannine Pilon April 25, 1936 to June 24, 2021 I am pretty sure that tomorrow, the sun will rise in the East. My mother’s love and support, however, I am completely certain of. To know this and to be able to take this for granted has given me an incredible advantage in […]
Wedding Anniversary
next 2021/05 – ❤❤ Philip and Jeannine celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. That is a long time to be soul mates! Their smiles attest to the blissful union. ♥♥♥♥ Their 4 children came from near and far to partake in the momentous occasion and to sink their teeth into the celebratory chocolate cake.
Vaccination Day
next 2021/04 – My long-awaited vaccination day was April 18. When I went to get this first shot of the Pfizer vaccine, I did not want to waste a single precious moment rolling up my sleeve so I wore a short-sleeved shirt. There was a big smile under that mask. On this day, the number […]
Surviving Abuse
next 2021/03 – Raymond’s glasses fell out of the pocket of his jacket as he got into his car. As you can see from the tire tracks, he ran over his glasses, not on a corner, but right across the case lengthwise. Expecting to see many twisted pieces, he opened the case and saw that […]
Loss of Democracy in Myanmar
next 2021/02 – Raymond protested against the loss of democracy in Myanmar. The march ended at the Chinese embassy in Ottawa. China and Russia chose to back the new dictator instead of respecting the will of the people. This is not out of character. After all, China backs the evil pariah Kim Jong-un of North […]
A Walk in the Woods
next 2021/01 – By viewing all 13 seasons of “Deadly Women,” the true-crime series by Candice DeLong, my girlfriend became well versed in all the do’s and don’ts of executing a proper plan. Her invitation to go for a walk in the woods did not rouse in me the slightest suspicion, so off we went. […]
Yummy Food
next 2020/12 – The waitress at Carben provided a meal of 8 courses, each with its side order of descriptions. There was the squash, the duck, the bok choy, the scallops, the wood ear mushrooms, the squid, the amaranth, and on and on. In truth, we were far more interested in eating these yummy dishes […]
next 2020/11 – I (Raymond) never believed in lottery tickets. Since 46% of the ticket sales goes to the prizes, the expectation is to lose 54% of the money spent. Any luck I might possess is countered by the law of large numbers. Admittedly, millionaires are made because of the large standard deviation but the […]
Crazy Hair
next 2020/11 – Raymond is NOT wearing a wig here. Mayra cut off her very long hair. Before donating it for cancer, the hair was strategically placed on Raymond’s head to give him a hair day so exceptional that he could blend in with the likes of the Beetles and the Monkees.